Welcome To
Rahul Model Public School
A school is known for a child when she / he enters a school system, it is the begining of a long journey of the ‘self and the world around’ in a gradual but regulated manner. Mark the words ‘gradual’ and ‘regulated’.Any attempt to overload the young brain with too much too soon is actually detrimental to a natural growth of the child’s brain and mind that are raw and still not developed fully in a biological sense.
On the contrary, there is risk of killing the naturally evolving process of the spirit of enquiry and curiosity in the child even before they are awakened.That is what actually afflicting the school education system in the country today. What with public schools vying with each other in producing asmart new generation of the child prodigies.

Enhancing Skills and Attitude.
Education is not about getting good grades, its about developing awesome minds and enhancing good Skills which will help in devloping our nation, our city and our Society.

The Almighty made man in his own reflection. An essential aspect of his creation. The Human being, was the humans ability to conceptualize and enjoy freedom and the route of freedom is knowledge. All activities that promote the development…

Dream, Aspire, Accomplish – these three simple words with enormous characterization. The dream of ascending the staircase of aspiration with a mission of preparing learners to meet the challenges and march ahead is the propellant force that drives me….
Our Mission
To facilitate a balanced development of human mind, body and soul in their formative years in a school system through design and delivery of curriculum-oriented classroom instructions, inculcation of the finest universal human values and development of a free spirit of enquiry, curiosity and scientific temper using most appropriate modern teaching and training methodologies, techniques, modes and media.
Our Vision
Education is a participate and collaborate activity. We follow the motto learn, love, labour. “learn” stands for the efforts of teacher to find out and polish the learning abilities of the situation. “love” promotes the benevolent outlook of students and teachers to Nature and all fellow beings. “labour” symbolizes the hard work and diligence to leave no stone unturned to produce efficient and effective learning in conducive environment.